ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Da se nema para, onda bi se nešto i prodalo da se dođe do para, a osim toga onaj ko nema para, nema što ni tražiti na tržištu kapitala, nego treba poći na tržište rada, uz dužno poštovanje. [lol]

Kolega Vinski bez uvrede, u kom brokeraju delate? Hvala na savjetu o prodaji, nebi sada. Jedino ako dođu Slovenci iz Nizozemske pa ko na Pelješcu i Istri ponude nešto nemoralno za djedovinu. Većina je na ovom tržištu kapitala ostala bez kapitala i još uvijek nešto traže na ovom tržištu kapitala. U siječnju veljači i ožujku trend je da većina odlazi sa tržišta rada a ne na tržište rada, uz dužno poštovanje, nema se para, svaka čast medi ali ipak većina čeka dok bik ne krene….Kada je godišnja skupština društva, da li itko zna, odluka o ostatku dividende?

Are you talking to me? ARE YOU talking to me? ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?

Da se nema para, onda bi se nešto i prodalo da se dođe do para, a osim toga onaj ko nema para, nema što ni tražiti na tržištu kapitala, nego treba poći na tržište rada, uz dužno poštovanje. [lol]

Kolega Vinski bez uvrede, u kom brokeraju delate? Hvala na savjetu o prodaji, nebi sada. Jedino ako dođu Slovenci iz Nizozemske pa ko na Pelješcu i Istri ponude nešto nemoralno za djedovinu. Većina je na ovom tržištu kapitala ostala bez kapitala i još uvijek nešto traže na ovom tržištu kapitala. U siječnju veljači i ožujku trend je da većina odlazi sa tržišta rada a ne na tržište rada, uz dužno poštovanje, nema se para, svaka čast medi ali ipak većina čeka dok bik ne krene….Kada je godišnja skupština društva, da li itko zna, odluka o ostatku dividende?
Moj komentar se odnosio na komentar, kako nema prometa jer je kraj mjeseca, što je apsolutno krivo. Kad je dobra cijena dionice uvijek će neko imat novaca, a oni koji krpaju kraj s krajem od mjeseca do mjeseca baš i ne trguju na burzi, jer ako to rade vjerovatno imaju problem s pameću. Jer onaj koji nema baš novaca ne bi rebao riskirati i ono malo što ima na burzi.
I taj komentar nema veze s nikakvim fondom, nizozemcima, ili s čim već. Kolega, fulali ste temu.

sutra je novi dan.

Europe shares advance for 6th session, commods up
LONDON, March 26 (Reuters) – European shares rose for a sixth straight session on Thursday, led higher by commodities, as surprisingly strong U.S. housing data raised hopes that the global economy could be on a recovery path.
Commodity stocks tracked higher crude and metals prices. Among miners, BHP Billiton (BLT.L), Anglo American (AAL.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.L) and Eurasian Natural Resources (ENRC.L) rose 2.2-5.4 percent.

svjeze vijesti. Cijena ugljena u Kini ce ostati na sadasnoj razini ili se u toku 2009 blago povecati.


Razgovori oko cijene zeljezne rudace ce se ipak prolongirati, kinezi zahtjevaju pad cijene od 40% ali Rio, BHP i Vale bas i nisu voljni zakljuciti ugovore pod tim uvjetima i odugovlace nadajuci se da ce potraznja porasti u drugom kvartalu na osnovi kineskih poticaja i tako spasiti cijenu rude. Za brodare to znaci stagnaciju ali i svakako porast onog trena kad se konacno dogovore a kineske zalihe padnu ispod, za njih, sigurne razine.


Kolega, fulali ste temu.

Aluzija na kraj mjeseca je ironija. Koliko ljudi toliko kombinacija u vezi sa novcem i investiranjem. Po meni je ova cijena odlična, a promet ništa. I tome se ne čudim i čudim. Pa i nisam mislio da mislite na fondove, i ono što sam spomenuo, zar sam rekao da ste na to mislili? Što je vama? Spomenuo sam da su mnogi ovdje popušili kapital, ništa novo i čudno, i pitao za skupštinu i dividendu sa razlogom, mislim da nisam fulao, odgovorite mi radije na ova dva pitanja i da li IGH dijeli dividendu, kad imaju skupštinu, interesira me dividenda day, posebno za njih, ako je ima. Vozdra rista, stipu loma.

Are you talking to me? ARE YOU talking to me? ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?

Izgleda da interes za ovu dionicu slabi. Nasao sam je tek na 3 stranici. Zadnje dvije godine nije se desavalo da se makne sa prve. Ima za to i razloga. Evo ponovo "MOJ" doprinos eventualnom padu. Ne slazem se bas da su handy-ji blizak kompetitor panamaxima.

Panamax bulker oversupply – A surplus of more than 500 panamax bulkers by 2011 is predicted by researchers at DVB Bank

Slowing demand and a growing volume of tonnage over the next two years will result in the widening supply and demand gap, says the German-Dutch transport specialist.

Its base case prediction assumes that all vessels over 25 years – some 290 ships of 18m dwt – will be scrapped over the coming four years and that around 19% of the total panamax orderbook will be cancelled.

DVB adds that although there have been signs of relative improvement in demand for bulk carriers, fear remain that increased tonnage supply will suffocate freight markets and thus values.

The bank voices its concerns for panamaxes despite the 39.8m dwt orderbook representing around 37% of the 107m dwt fleet, substantial albeit small compared with close to 100% for capesize bulkers.

But panamaxes have a close competitor in handymaxes where the 52m dwt orderbook represents roughly 75% of the existing fleet. Also, because handymaxes are geared at sizes approaching 60,000-dwt, they can command a freight rates premium in some regions.

DVB in its latest panamax bulk carrier market outlook says history shows that with an estimated 16% fall in utilization between 2009 and 2011, freight rates are expected to hover around an average $10,000 per day.

“These rates are well below the required BE (breakeven) levels needed by shipowners to operate their assets bought at very high prices during the boom years,” said the bank.

It says for a panamax bought in 2002-2003 at $20m, breakeven is estimated at around $11,000 per day assuming 100% financing for 15 years at 6% with an Opex of $5,000 per day.

But for a $50m ship breakeven rises to about $21,000 per day.

Also, all major charterers have either renegotiated or will be renegotiating terms as continued low demand eats into their bottom line.

Scrapping along with lay-ups and yard cancellations, are set to increase during the next two years. But there is a physical limit to demolition yard capacity.

Certainly a question mark hangs over how many panamax newbuildings on order will materialise. DVB, which uses raw data from various sources including its own, says 31% (12.4m dwt/158 vessels) are at start-up yards, including greenfield sites and where yards are being expanded.

It is estimated that 28m dwt or 70% have yet to commence construction. Also, China has 40% of the total panamax orderbook but the probability of greenfield yards there performing “looks rather bleak.”

In 2009 some 8m dwt (106 vessels) is expected to join the existing fleet of 1,477 vessels and a further “unprecedented” 15m dwt (189 vessels) in 2010. The 17m dwt (216 vessels) in the orderbook for 2011 and onwards is subject to higher cancellation probability.

During 2008, panamax bulkers carried nearly 647m tonnes or around 24% of total dry bulk seaborne trade, says DVB. They handled an estimated 13.6% of the iron ore trade of 809m tonnes, 34% of the 808m tonnes coal trade and 45% of the 316m tonnes grain trade.

Ships are currently restricted to about 294.1 metres in length overall and 32.3m beam to pass through Panama Canal locks but canal expansion means vessels of small capes dimensions, with a length of 366m, beam 49m and draft 15m will soon be able to transit.

Published : March 26, 2009

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Izgleda da interes za ovu dionicu slabi. Nasao sam je tek na 3 stranici. Zadnje dvije godine nije se desavalo da se makne sa prve. Ima za to i razloga. Evo ponovo "MOJ" doprinos eventualnom padu. Ne slazem se bas da su handy-ji blizak kompetitor panamaxima.

Panamax bulker oversupply – A surplus of more than 500 panamax bulkers by 2011 is predicted by researchers at DVB Bank

Slowing demand and a growing volume of tonnage over the next two years will result in the widening supply and demand gap, says the German-Dutch transport specialist.

Its base case prediction assumes that all vessels over 25 years – some 290 ships of 18m dwt – will be scrapped over the coming four years and that around 19% of the total panamax orderbook will be cancelled.

DVB adds that although there have been signs of relative improvement in demand for bulk carriers, fear remain that increased tonnage supply will suffocate freight markets and thus values.

The bank voices its concerns for panamaxes despite the 39.8m dwt orderbook representing around 37% of the 107m dwt fleet, substantial albeit small compared with close to 100% for capesize bulkers.

But panamaxes have a close competitor in handymaxes where the 52m dwt orderbook represents roughly 75% of the existing fleet. Also, because handymaxes are geared at sizes approaching 60,000-dwt, they can command a freight rates premium in some regions.

DVB in its latest panamax bulk carrier market outlook says history shows that with an estimated 16% fall in utilization between 2009 and 2011, freight rates are expected to hover around an average $10,000 per day.

“These rates are well below the required BE (breakeven) levels needed by shipowners to operate their assets bought at very high prices during the boom years,” said the bank.

It says for a panamax bought in 2002-2003 at $20m, breakeven is estimated at around $11,000 per day assuming 100% financing for 15 years at 6% with an Opex of $5,000 per day.

But for a $50m ship breakeven rises to about $21,000 per day.

Also, all major charterers have either renegotiated or will be renegotiating terms as continued low demand eats into their bottom line.

Scrapping along with lay-ups and yard cancellations, are set to increase during the next two years. But there is a physical limit to demolition yard capacity.

Certainly a question mark hangs over how many panamax newbuildings on order will materialise. DVB, which uses raw data from various sources including its own, says 31% (12.4m dwt/158 vessels) are at start-up yards, including greenfield sites and where yards are being expanded.

It is estimated that 28m dwt or 70% have yet to commence construction. Also, China has 40% of the total panamax orderbook but the probability of greenfield yards there performing “looks rather bleak.”

In 2009 some 8m dwt (106 vessels) is expected to join the existing fleet of 1,477 vessels and a further “unprecedented” 15m dwt (189 vessels) in 2010. The 17m dwt (216 vessels) in the orderbook for 2011 and onwards is subject to higher cancellation probability.

During 2008, panamax bulkers carried nearly 647m tonnes or around 24% of total dry bulk seaborne trade, says DVB. They handled an estimated 13.6% of the iron ore trade of 809m tonnes, 34% of the 808m tonnes coal trade and 45% of the 316m tonnes grain trade.

Ships are currently restricted to about 294.1 metres in length overall and 32.3m beam to pass through Panama Canal locks but canal expansion means vessels of small capes dimensions, with a length of 366m, beam 49m and draft 15m will soon be able to transit.

Published : March 26, 2009

ASU,CIJENIM TVOJ RAD,ALI BURZA JE NEŠTO SASVIM DRUGO..DIONICA SE KUPUJE KAD JE LOŠE,A PRODAJE SE KAD JE DOBRO.DAKLE,sada je loše…čista logika,pusti brojeve..da,pao je interes za ovu dionicu svakako,a slučajno je druga najlikvidnija na zse…

Ako može ovaj članak u cijelosti sa Lloydsa

New cargoes bring fresh lift to Atlantic panamax rates

Liz McCarthy – Wednesday 25 March 2009

PANAMAX Atlantic rates are rising as market sentiment improves and fresh cargo inquiries come out, writes Liz McCarthy

Brokers reported that the market had found its bottom level and were optimistic that rates would continue to climb this week.

“The week started on a rather active note with some fresh inquiry entering the market,” …

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

@alt333…..dionice se kupuju kad je sitacija loša kao npr. trenutno za brodare ali činjenica je da se zadnjih dana uložio novac u građevinare , investitor bi već sada bio dobar barem 20% , dokle tko je god ostao na ATPL (djelom) kao i ja tu je ostao oko nule……

na 4300 sve prodajem...

The Baltic Exchange
Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices
26 March 2009

Baltic Exchange Dry Index TM 1714 (DOWN 26)
Baltic Exchange Capesize Index TM 2134 (DOWN 35)
Baltic Exchange Panamax Index TM 1531 (DOWN 13)
Baltic Exchange Supramax Index TM 1365 (DOWN 33)
Baltic Exchange Handysize Index TM 717 (DOWN 9)

na 4300 sve prodajem...

@ conan
je, a da si uložio u onih 7 brojeva u onom kiosku preko puta poraslo bi ti 100000%. uvijek je negdje moglo bolje.


dobro je da se tako marljivo piše o budućem oversupllyju, sve dok ti nama svaki dan nadješ za postati poneki članak o tome mi možemo mirno spavati. pa makar usput opustio forum. što više straha sada, to više lovuše kasnije.

…..dionice se kupuju kad je sitacija loša kao npr. trenutno za brodare ali činjenica je da se zadnjih dana uložio novac u građevinare , investitor bi već sada bio dobar barem 20% , dokle tko je god ostao na ATPL (djelom) kao i ja tu je ostao oko nule……

zašto gledamo druge,pa ne moraju sad svi u dlkv i igh zato što je toliko poraslo..porast će i atpl kad se poprave okolnosti,a to može biti već idući vikend.ja sam kupio dlkv po 260,00 a prodao ga po 280,00,sad je 340,00,pa neću sam sebi sad čupat kosu što sam ga prodao,za to sam uzeo atpl po 630,00..u međuvremenu mi stoji masa love u ht-u,ušao po 202-203..mogao sam sve vratiti što sam dosad izgubio da sam bio u građevinaru…netko je bolji,netko lošiji,nek budem samo jednom bolji nego lošiji,uspio sam–to je rekao kostolany..


na 4300 sve prodajem...

…..dionice se kupuju kad je sitacija loša kao npr. trenutno za brodare ali činjenica je da se zadnjih dana uložio novac u građevinare , investitor bi već sada bio dobar barem 20% , dokle tko je god ostao na ATPL (djelom) kao i ja tu je ostao oko nule……

zašto gledamo druge,pa ne moraju sad svi u dlkv i igh zato što je toliko poraslo..porast će i atpl kad se poprave okolnosti,a to može biti već idući vikend.ja sam kupio dlkv po 260,00 a prodao ga po 280,00,sad je 340,00,pa neću sam sebi sad čupat kosu što sam ga prodao,za to sam uzeo atpl po 630,00..u međuvremenu mi stoji masa love u ht-u,ušao po 202-203..mogao sam sve vratiti što sam dosad izgubio da sam bio u građevinaru…netko je bolji,netko lošiji,nek budem samo jednom bolji nego lošiji,uspio sam–to je rekao kostolany..
sad svima ide trejd a nije vrijeme za to…..i ja jutros prodao dlkv,,,jednom treba kapitalizirat dobit….

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

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