Brodari i usporedba brodara

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Brodari i usporedba brodara

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ma možete vi pričati što želite i o mari i o vasem krivom k. mozda ste tu objektivni.
Kod naših brodara nema razlika i uvijek će se vrtiti ista priča.prvo malo smo tržište, 80% ulaže u atpl. Ostatak vjeruje u ostale brodare.
Jel se ikad dogodilo da je atpl narasla 3% a da je neki drugi brodar bio u minusu il obrnuto?
Nije jer kod nas toga nema. Ako netko ugovori posao po dobrim vozarinama il ima isporuku novog broda,il neće niti trznuti il će narasti svi brodari skupa.
Evo vam još jedna priča:
Atpl povukla gore za +5%. I gle vraga raste jdpl i zaustavlja se na +4.87%
Polako se budi ulpl… Dioničari tnpl i lplh su nervozni,nema trgovanja.
Atpl i jdpl su tu negdje a ulpl je već na +5.5%
Skoro je 16h. Pojedinci koji su ostali u kešu gledaju da pada nema i da se nalozi na tnpl izmiću i netko uzima tnpl s prodaje i ona je na +4.40%
Lijep rast za brodare al lplh bez trgovanja.idući dan brodari stagnacija. +0.5% – +0.8%
Gle vraga nisam ni vidio netko je pokupio lplh sad je +6%.

Eto tako to kod nas ide.

i gdje si ti u toj prici….???? jesi opalio po asku?????? [tongue]

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

Taj dan nisam kupovao!

Bolje zaraditi malo nego izgubiti puno.

Fedya – e sad dodajmo otkaze narudzbi , kasnjenje, cinjenicu da dio single hull flote ide vam, koji je velik ( zato i dolaze novogradnje), OPEC-ovu reviziju na gore nedavno ….. + Jačina zime ove i slijedeče, Huricani, Chavesa ……

Tesko je predvidjeti na dulji rok, ima argumenata za očekivati solidnu 2010, i jako dobru 2011, a ima i koji drugacije misle ….

Žaran Perić: Brodarske dionice pokrenut će burzu,61137.html

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Zanimljivo. Jadroplov tuku po asku, Atlantsku tuku po bidu…

brodare treba prodati

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

brodare treba prodati


brodare treba prodati

Je imaš pravo, ali ne sad … ima vremena …


Evo frontline na 28 dolara na ogromnom prometu, ATH je 70 ( nejveći svjetski tankeraš )


Show me the Money!

Frontline Says Fujairah Ban to Spur Tanker Scrapping
Monday, 16 November 2009
Frontline Ltd., the world’s biggest supertanker company, said owners of single-hulled vessels are more likely to scrap their ships after the Port of Fujairah said it would ban them next year. Fujairah, in the United Arab Emirates, is the most common regional refueling point for ships carrying crude from the Persian Gulf. About 90 supertankers, or 17 percent of the global fleet, have single hulls, according to Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay data on Bloomberg. “It’s another nail in the coffin for single-hull ships,” Jens Martin Jensen, Singapore-based chief executive officer of Frontline’s management unit, said by phone today. Fujairah’s ban is “a push in the right direction” that may contribute to the fleet shrinking next year, he said.
The International Maritime Organization, a United Nations agency with 169 members, will implement a global ban on single- hull tankers from next year. Nations can opt out until 2015. The European Union called the ship design “more accident-prone” in 2003 and London-based BP Plc says it won’t hire them because of the risk of leaking, favoring double-hulled ships instead.
Frontline operated a fleet of 84 tankers including seven single-hull carriers according to its quarterly earnings report on Aug. 28. The majority of its single-hulled ships are leased out on fixed fees until the end of next year.
Shipping Costs
Shipping costs on the industry-benchmark Saudi Arabia to Japan shipping route climbed 5.4 percent to 46.39 Worldscale points yesterday, according to the London-based Baltic Exchange. Daily returns from the voyage rose 16 percent to $21,584.
The number of in-service vessels grew 5 percent to 524 carriers this year, according to Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay. By contrast, global seaborne trade in crude oil declined 4.9 percent to 36.4 million barrels a day, ICAP Shipping International Ltd. said in a report Nov. 11.
“We believe single-hull ships will be gradually phased out within 2010,” Rikard Vabo and Lars Erich Nilsen, analysts at Oslo-based investment bank Fearnley Fonds A/S, said in a report today. There are other refueling and servicing ports available within the Middle East, the analysts said.

Source: Alaric Nightingale, Bloomberg

New Report
