ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

k 5501
p 2202

Burza je kocka, ma koliko mi šutjeli o tome........

Onih 218kom na kupnji na 3350 isto ulijeva povjerenje da će se trend konačno promijeniti…

KOliko ja vidim pocisceni paketi sa prodaje [smiley2]

MOgao bi biti lijep dan posto su kupovali po 3500 koliko se sjecam dan poslije FI

Evo stanja…

Ljudi su, općenito, nalik na pse koji počnu lajati čim izdaleka začuju

Uh, poklopilo kupnju do 3350… [smiley16]

3388,00 47 11:28:15
3350,00 17 11:27:37
3350,00 198 11:27:37
3354,10 5 11:27:37
3360,00 10 11:27:37
3360,00 7 11:27:37
3360,01 3 11:27:37
3360,20 10 11:27:37

3380,00 3 11:24:49
3388,00 58 11:24:48
3387,00 10 11:24:48
3386,00 2 11:24:48
3385,00 30 11:24:48

Ljudi su, općenito, nalik na pse koji počnu lajati čim izdaleka začuju

…………..”Panamaxes emerge from a hesitant Monday and build into a slightly more active scene at mid-week thanks to SA grain lifting up trans-Atlantic rates. They enter calmer waters again before the weekend with standoffs between charterers and owners at the core of the slowdown. With trans Atlantic demand still raging, SA grain buyers are hoping to bluff the market like the Chinese ore buyers attempted last week. Period strength is, however, hard to deny as it tugs on the spot market with 4 6 month deals like BHP’s relet of the “Golden Kiji” for US$ 102k daily, which is a hefty US$ 7,000 upgrade from the original contract.

Far Eastern Handymaxes refuse to rebound, much to the ire of their owners, with rates still falling day by day, albeit holding well above the once exotic dollar per dwt. Scrap redel Black Sea is hot with 1980s ships, like the 1984 33,000 tonner “Nipha Naree” getting exactly two dollars per deadweight. The Mediterranean minerals and mid Atlantic grain trades hold plenty of promise for the Handies but, apart from pockets of positive forward sentiment, there are few new deals to support any kind of Handybulk rally. Both the BSI and the BHSI are losing points. The paper markets stay wobbly and uncertain as well. Much of the droopy behaviour is on the lack of strong Indian Ocean business, where holidays are being celebrated, and with iron ore spot prices now blasting through the US$ 200/t mark there is plenty of reason for Chinese buyers to hold off for as long as possible. The only Pacific business is on short rounds and these are few and far between. There are, however, strong indications of tightening tonnage via NoPac, brokers tell BMTI, which would give eastern Supramaxes a kick start. From the still slow USG come reports of a mid US$ 90,000s daily rate with redel Brazil on a modern 50,000 tonner.

Futures movement remains uncertain, in particular amid the smaller sizes as the Q4 Supramax rises and falls throughout the week to end where it started, in the range of US$ 71 72,000 daily. Trading does pick up a bit after Thursday with both the Panamax and Capesize contracts gaining just barely over the week. Despite the positive turn in Baltic Exchange indices, FIS market analyst Michael Gaylard tells BMTI, “it has done little to inspire a rather flaccid paper market with depth on the offer side at higher levels and buyers are backing off a little bit. There is feeling among traders that the indices are well marked and therefore, without another push on the physical, we will continue to trade in this narrowish range.”………………

Sve u svemu , nije loše.

U trenutku zastoja tržišta Panamax dobiva 4-6 T/C od 102 K$ /d, Handysize vrlo sličan Mljetu spot od 66 K$/d ,a Supramax (kao ona 3 iz Vijetnama , o kojima nažalost ne znamo ništa osim brodogradilišta HaLong) 90 K$/d.

Neka zastoja…..

Što s edogađa kad ide dole nitko ništa ne piše nitko nije pametan… skočilo ovo skočilo ono sve pametnjakovići . Tek kad pođe gore 15 % u 10 dana onda je prava vaša računica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ide gore ali tek 10 dana iza izbora[smiley2]

evo ja cu ti napisati sto se dogadja kad ide dole – netko prodaje i zbog toga cijena pada.

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

evo ja cu ti napisati sto se dogadja kad ide dole – netko prodaje i zbog toga cijena pada.

a netko kupuje jeftino i trlja rucice[smiley2]

više boli kada drugome raste, nego li kada tebi pada

Povodom kvartalnih izvještaja je uvijek borbeno – sve frca od komentara i analiza.
Evo mog doprinosa : izračun FV dry bulkera temeljem NAV-a.
Sve treba uzeti “sa zrnom soli” , jer je siguran znatno bolji 4.Q , kako je već obrazloženo puno puta.

Oko 500 kom po bidu, kaj se dešava ???


Burza je kocka, ma koliko mi šutjeli o tome........

New Report
