Kolega JK a koliki je vaš portfelj, jel bar ko Ivanin?
Draga, nitko ti ne može kupit, šta ja mogu obećat. [wink]
Evo ja nisam novi, ovdje sam već od 11.08.2007. godine, i još sam moderiran btw, i evo vrlo sam znatiželjan da čujem neke makroekonomske prognoze utemeljene na znanju, informacijama i predviđanjima od svih kolega.
Moje se prognoze su se pokazale prilično točnim, što se može provjeriti uvidom na stranice Foruma
Izazov vrijedi da sve vaše najbolje forumaše koji imate.
Dakle argumentirano vaša najbolja predviđanja i vaši najbolji makroekonomisti, financijaši, direktori, investitori, plus g.Bakić, i svi ostali na rok od idućih šest do 12 mjeseci.
Slobodno pokažite što znate,ja obožavam izazove
Odgovor na: Utjecaj inozemnih tržišta na ZSE
Hehehe, dokon pop i kozliće krsti
Izazvao sam cijeli forum poslovnog na temi "Velika Depresija dva-san ili java", što kažete hoće li se netko javiti za raspravu
Navodno tamo ima velikih znalaca?
Bob (Janjuah) Is Back… And He Is Pissed
Thereafter, its all about the PM response.
MORE policy in the UK/US may help risky assets very briefly (2/4mths), but because growth weakness in the PS is/will be a sustained feature (IMHO) for many many quarters, MORE policy will very quickly be seen as THE risk. The USD and GBP would then be at huge risk as (PM) CREDIBILITY, SUSTAINABILITY and LACK OF SUCCESS are exposed badly. Bond yields will then rise dramatically I think – NOT because of bogus CPI inflation, but because debasement/monetisation will be seen as FAILED POLICY and which will then be PUNISHED, as opposed to the current outcome, where such policy has so far been given the benefit of the doubt and ‘rewarded’.. This will lead to a truly ugly 2010 with New Lows in stocks (500-handle S&P), New/Near New Wides in HY, IG spreads another 50% wider. The EURO and the Bund are where to be in this world, as well as the HIGHEST quality balance sheets in credit and equity land (global big caps). Gold goes to $1500. THINK ABOUT IT – this is the world where USTs, GILTs, the USD, the GBP AND risky assets ALL SELL OFF…….This will also be the time to consider going massively OW USD/GBP, as well as OW USTs/GILTS. Why? Because 2010 and beyond will then see us FORCIBLY abandon Reckless Policy (the driver of the sell off) which would then quickly be followed by a new era of DEFLATION and AUSTERITY.
Longer term it is CLEAR we need a lot more smart regulation, not just re the size of banks or banker comp., but of the whole FS. We must never allow the gross misallocations of capital of the last 2 decades to happen again. Wall St. must SERVE/SERVICE Main St., and NOT the other way round. This is the other clear lesson from the failures of the last 20 years.
Slobodno pokažite što znate,ja obožavam izazove
Pozorno čekam odgovor gospodina Plavog. Zanima me što je otkrio u međuvremenu.
Dok kolega Plavi i dalje otkriva burzovna bespuća da ubijete vrijeme pročitajte ovo kako ne bi odnijeli gaće na štapu (pogotovo zbog raznih otkrivenja):
the USD, the GBP AND risky assets ALL SELL OFF…….This will also be the time to consider going massively OW USD/GBP.
jel ovaj tvoj bob prespavo listopad i ožujak 2008?! [shocked]
di je tad u vrijeme panike i sell offa svega bio "risky" dollar?
mala pomoc za analize koje radite u tisini…..
A Potential Premise that Fools the Crowd Big Time!
…if Mr. Geithner’s pleads for more risk taking by banks resonates. We know politicos have to now be putting lots of pressure on said banks to open up their purse to mom and pop on Main Street-as those guys tend to vote too…….
Evo ja nisam novi, ovdje sam već od 11.08.2007. godine, i još sam moderiran btw, i evo vrlo sam znatiželjan da čujem neke makroekonomske prognoze utemeljene na znanju, informacijama i predviđanjima od svih kolega.
Moje se prognoze su se pokazale prilično točnim, što se može provjeriti uvidom na stranice Foruma
Izazov vrijedi da sve vaše najbolje forumaše koji imate.
Dakle argumentirano vaša najbolja predviđanja i vaši najbolji makroekonomisti, financijaši, direktori, investitori, plus g.Bakić, i svi ostali na rok od idućih šest do 12 mjeseci.
Slobodno pokažite što znate,ja obožavam izazove
Imam li se još pravo nadati da ću vidjeti neku kvalitetu analizu burzovnih kretanja ili………….dajte pomozite malim ulagačima koji se nadaju pomoći u ovaj tmurni dan………….