TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

K/P = 527/526
ovo je valjda jedina dionica na ZSE gdje je sada kupnja jača od prodaje. Jest da je samo za jednu dionicu, ali trenutno je ipak jača [lol]

moje poruke nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju dionica niti savjet za ulaganje

K/P = 527/526
ovo je valjda jedina dionica na ZSE gdje je sada kupnja jača od prodaje. Jest da je samo za jednu dionicu, ali trenutno je ipak jača [lol]

Na 2.500 300 kom.Ako ZB aktiv ovo ne pukne idemo na drugu stranu.Dobili smo jakog kupca.
Vjerovatno je i onih 400 po 2.600.kupio isti.Za sada odlično.

Dokupio ja TNPL, a vidim da i neki fond kupuje [thumbsup]

Kolega, fondovi su prosli tjedan potrosili cca 30 miliona kuna na kupnju i gdje su sada??
Fondovi sada i ruse cijene jer slijedi rasprodaja, a svi su u gubitku -40% ( i vise sa danasnjim cijenama).
Dakle, ebo fondove i nase menadjere!

Bez argumentiranom dokaza da smo na dnu nema kupovine.

Pozdrav svima!

sva sreća da nisam vjerovao navlakačima i da sam riješio tnpl na 3.200 kn………….znam da su fundamenti odlični…………ali tko sad mari za to………kad se sjetim vladekove prognoze za crobex odmah mi zubi počnu cvokotati [bye]

novac na burzi nikad nije izgubljen, promijenio je vlasnika!

sva sreća da nisam vjerovao navlakačima i da sam riješio tnpl na 3.200 kn………….znam da su fundamenti odlični…………ali tko sad mari za to………kad se sjetim vladekove prognoze za crobex odmah mi zubi počnu cvokotati [bye]

OO na bidu smo, e pa nisi jedini

sva sreća da nisam vjerovao navlakačima i da sam riješio tnpl na 3.200 kn………….znam da su fundamenti odlični…………ali tko sad mari za to………kad se sjetim vladekove prognoze za crobex odmah mi zubi počnu cvokotati [bye]

Nije burza za kukavice.Lako je biti staložen u rastu.Puno je teže sačuvati samokontrolu kada pada.
A oni kojima zubi cvokoću i na samu pomisao što bi bilo, kada bi bilo… bolje da se maknu.Izgubiće i
novce i živce.

Tako je, kome zubi cvokoću bolje da ode s burze zauvijek, pogotovo tko se boji kupiti TNPL po 2600 kn! Jeste vi svjesni koliko je ovo jeftina dionica po ovoj cijeni?? Koliki je P/E, koliki je BV? Jeftina je i na 3500 kn, a ovo sada je poklon bon fonda koji nema love za isplate ulagača.
Uzmite dok ima, valjda ste nakon zadnjih 20 stranica o TNPL svjesni koliki je ovo bingo na ovoj cijeni! Bez pretjerivanja, ova dionica može bez problema donijeti preko 100% zarade čim se tržište malo oporavi: rekordne vozarine, sve veće zarade, novi tankeri, povećanje flote, redovna dividenda…

moje poruke nisu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju dionica niti savjet za ulaganje

Orders for most types of tankers and bulk carriers have declined so far this year, according to statistics from Clarkson. However, VLCCs are the exception, with 99 new units ordered between January and August this year, taking year-on-year contracting figures up by a staggering 334%. No fewer than 21 new VLCCs were contracted in August alone, including a series of six 316,000 dwt vessels ordered by Ocean Tankers at Waigaoqiao for delivery in late 2011 and 2012; and four 318,000 dwt units for A.P.Møller and the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company, ordered at STX and Daewoo respectively, and all for delivery in 2011.
Meanwhile, new ship prices continue to climb as shipbuilders try to cover higher steel prices and brace themselves for yet more increases, likely in the months ahead. Prices for all ship types are up this year, with Clarkson’s Newbuilding Price Index up more than 8% on its level one year ago. But tankers have shown double-digit price rises – VLCCs now cost over 14% more than they did this time last year whilst Suezmaxes are up by more than 12% and Aframax units by nearly 20%.
High steel prices are a growing headache for shipbuilders. According to Clarkson, both Japanese and South Korean steel mills are rumoured to be considering further price hikes. If yards can’t pass on raw material cost increases to their customers, then the prospect is raised that some may go out of business and some existing contracts may not be fulfilled. However, a recent report by US investment bank Morgan Stanley suggesting that $22.7bn of the current orderbook may not get built has been criticised as too pessimistic. This would be equivalent to almost 22% of the total estimated orderbook value.

Source: SeatradeAsia Online

China Stockpiles Will Prove Freight Traders Wrong, Nobu Su Says
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Traders betting on a fourth-quarter surge in shipping rates are wrong because estimates of China’s iron-ore stockpiles are too low, according to Nobu Su, chief executive officer of Taipei-based TMT Co. Ltd. China, the world’s biggest consumer of iron ore, has about 100 million metric tons stockpiled, or a third more than most estimates, the shipping investor said in an interview in London yesterday. He declined to say how he gathers his data. Chinese steelmakers will consume 444 million tons of seaborne iron ore this year, Macquarie Group Ltd. said in July.
Traders of derivatives reflecting the future cost of delivering iron ore and coal are betting rates will jump at least 36 percent in the fourth quarter. Rates for so-called capesize carriers will advance to at least $88,313 a day from $64,761 now, prices from the London-based Baltic Exchange show.
“The current premium in the fourth quarter can’t be justified,” said Su, whose company owns commodity carriers, liquefied gas tankers and oil transporters. “Steel mills have over stock, they are not going to buy” extra cargoes, he said.
The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping costs for commodities, has plunged 60 percent since reaching its peak in May. China, also the biggest consumer of metals such as copper, had ordered some steelmakers and other factories to curb or halt output to reduce pollution during the Olympics.
Some traders bet that demand would rebound after the end of the event.
China will account for more than half of all seaborne iron- ore demand this year, Macquarie said in July. Some Chinese mills are cutting production and others may close because of weakening steel demand and amid “liquidity concerns,” Bank of America Corp. said Sept. 9.
Steel Mills Shut
Some mills shut for the Olympics probably won’t reopen until margins improve, Su said. That may spur iron-ore producers including Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, the world’s largest, BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group to reduce shipments to Asia, he said. It may also make it more difficult for Vale to win a price increase that it’s seeking from Asian buyers, Su said.
A weaker-than-expected gain in demand will be accompanied by an expansion in the global fleet, Su said. That will include the delivery of ships that used to haul oil and have been converted because of stricter environmental rules for transporting liquid fuels by sea., a company that specializes in tracking shipbuilding, said Sept. 5 that supertankers with a carrying capacity of 11.5 million deadweight tons will start competing for so-called dry-bulk cargoes this year, exiting the tanker market.
That’s equal to about 2.8 percent of the existing fleet capacity.
Su reiterated a forecast he made a month ago that supertanker rental costs will at least triple over the northern hemisphere’s winter, helped by reduced ship supply.
Su declined to detail his shipping trades. In August he said he was “long” in oil tankers, meaning he bet on higher rates.

Alaric Nightingale, Bloomberg

Tako je, kome zubi cvokoću bolje da ode s burze zauvijek, pogotovo tko se boji kupiti TNPL po 2600 kn! Jeste vi svjesni koliko je ovo jeftina dionica po ovoj cijeni?? Koliki je P/E, koliki je BV? Jeftina je i na 3500 kn, a ovo sada je poklon bon fonda koji nema love za isplate ulagača.
Uzmite dok ima, valjda ste nakon zadnjih 20 stranica o TNPL svjesni koliki je ovo bingo na ovoj cijeni! Bez pretjerivanja, ova dionica može bez problema donijeti preko 100% zarade čim se tržište malo oporavi: rekordne vozarine, sve veće zarade, novi tankeri, povećanje flote, redovna dividenda…

evo kolega, imate na asku koliko hocete, pa kupite [thumbsup]
moje mišljenje je da ima i jeftinijih (KODT, ADRS, DLKV..)

K/P = 527/526
ovo je valjda jedina dionica na ZSE gdje je sada kupnja jača od prodaje. Jest da je samo za jednu dionicu, ali trenutno je ipak jača [lol]

omjer je sada još bolji u korist kupnje: 555/508
tko zna, možda je ovo ipak bilo dno za TNPL pa od danas krene rast?

pametan čovjek vidi filiju i skloni se...

sve dok se ne smire vani stvari nista od oporavka… nadam se da je to svima jasno

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