TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska TNPL (Tankerska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Kako je kolega gore naveo, pitam se i ja kome vjerovati….

Instiktima, a ne cinjenicama…Daleko ce tako…

Tako je prijatelju, al najvažnije je ono šta se čita između redaka, a to je da je autor ovog teksta vlasnik dionica JDPL i ATPL (gle čuda), a htio bi postati vlasnik dionica TNPL (samo to ne smije nikom reći) po što je moguće nižoj cijeni. Sve je to jedna prozirna igra!

nemam niti jednu dionicu i zao mi je zbog toga, s obzirom da ekipa se siri i na druge segmente a ne samo brodovi

ne mari za male stvari i ostat ce male


Kako je kolega gore naveo, pitam se i ja kome vjerovati….

Instiktima, a ne cinjenicama…Daleko ce tako…

Tako je prijatelju, al najvažnije je ono šta se čita između redaka, a to je da je autor ovog teksta vlasnik dionica JDPL i ATPL (gle čuda), a htio bi postati vlasnik dionica TNPL (samo to ne smije nikom reći) po što je moguće nižoj cijeni. Sve je to jedna prozirna igra!

IDES, mora biti da autor teksta je procitao ovaj tvoj komentar pa je u strahu pokupovao jutros sve do 6800

pozdrav svim pomorcima ma gdje bili

pozdrav svim pomorcima ma gdje bili

Slažem se.Poseban pozdrav onima iz mog portfelja [thumbsup]

Molim Vas da ne ocjenjujete moje glupe komentare jer bi ja sam sebi dao nulu da mogu


Kako je kolega gore naveo, pitam se i ja kome vjerovati….

Instiktima, a ne cinjenicama…Daleko ce tako…

Tako je prijatelju, al najvažnije je ono šta se čita između redaka, a to je da je autor ovog teksta vlasnik dionica JDPL i ATPL (gle čuda), a htio bi postati vlasnik dionica TNPL (samo to ne smije nikom reći) po što je moguće nižoj cijeni. Sve je to jedna prozirna igra!

IDES, mora biti da autor teksta je procitao ovaj tvoj komentar pa je u strahu pokupovao jutros sve do 6800

Da i Derby se ništa ne javlja od kad su analitičari počeli mijenjati preporuke za tankeraše na NYSE iz hold u buy.

Evo primjera:

Jefferies & Co Initiates Coverage on Double Hull Tankers (DHT) with a Buy
12-06-2007 07:36:19 AM

Jefferies & Co initiates coverage on Double Hull Tankers (NYSE: DHT) with a Buy, citing strong charter contract coverage in ’08. Price target $20.

Double Hull Tankers, Inc. operates a fleet of double hull tankers. The Company’s fleet consists of three very large crude carriers (VLCCs), which are tankers ranging in size from 200,000 to 320,000 deadweight tons and four Aframax tankers, which are tankers ranging in size from 80,000 to 120,000 deadweight tons.

Vaš link


Baltic Dirty Tanker 1,635 (+5.21%)

I danas idemo gore, to je rast kao da BDI skoči za 500 bodova u jednom danu.

Mogli bi uskoro na 8000 kn+ unatoče nekim prognozama!

Ova situacija me podsjeca kao kad se vozi auto sa dignutom rucnom kocnicom a ta rucna, naravno je politika i cijelokupna situacija koja se vodi u zadnjih par dana.

hoćemo li stici do vrijednosti indeksa tijekom 2005 kad je indeks prestizao 2250? jos kad bi se pokazalo da to nije samo efekt zime….

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Freight Derivatives Surge After South Korea Oil Spill
Saturday, 08.12.2007, 12:36am (GMT)

Forward freight agreements, contracts that traders buy and sell to bet on the future cost of shipping crude oil, surged after a single-hull tanker was involved in the worst spill in South Korea’s history. Contracts for January climbed as much as 8 percent while those for the first the three months of next year advanced 7 percent, according to Ben Goggin, head of tanker FFAs at SSY Futures Ltd. in London. ”All my sellers from yesterday have turned buyers this morning,” he said by telephone today.This could push rates much higher.” The Hebei Spirit spilt 10,500 metric tons of crude oil about 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) off the coast of South Korea after it was struck by a crane on a barge. Should South Korea respond by banning such single-hull ships from its waters, it would be ”tremendous” for the tanker market, Per Mansson, a shipbroker at Nor Ocean Stockholm AB, said in an e-mailed note today.
Modern tankers are fitted with two hulls to cut the risk of an oil spill and usually cost more to hire.
Contracts that indicate the cost of shipping crude in January climbed to 140 Worldscale points, from 130 yesterday, Goggin said. FFAs for the first quarter of next year rose to 120 Worldscale points from 112 points. $108,000 a Day Worldscale points are a percentage of a nominal rate, or flat rate, for more than 320,000 specific routes. Flat rates for every voyage, quoted in U.S. dollars a ton, are revised annually by the Worldscale Association in London to reflect changing fuel costs, port tariffs and exchange rates.
Based on 2007 flat rates, owners of very large crude carriers, or VLCCs, would earn about $108,000 a day for leasing out vessels at a rate of 140 Worldscale points, a formula from Oslo-based shipbroker RS Platou AS and marine-fuel prices compiled by Bloomberg showed. Earnings will turn out to be higher than that because 2008’s flat rates will be raised to reflect this year’s record refueling costs.
”If it’s proved that a double hull would have avoided the spill, then I think it will have huge ramifications,” Charlie Fowle, a director at Galbraith’s Ltd., a London-based shipbroker, said in an interview. ”Everybody will be clamoring for double- hulls.”

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Shipping News » International News

Asian Aframax Rate Set for Eighth Weekly Gain on January Demand
Saturday, 08.12.2007, 12:34am (GMT)

Asian oil-shipping aframax rates are set to rise for an eighth week, helped by a dearth of bigger tankers and demand for January shipments. The rate to transport 80,000 metric tons of fuel from Kuwait to Singapore rose 1.9 percent to Worldscale 205 yesterday, according to the London-based Baltic Exchange. The rate has advanced 4 percent this week. Shipping a ton of fuel on the route costs $19.94, based on Bloomberg data. The latest gain in hiring rates for supertankers, or vessels which can transport 2 million barrels of oil, have prompted charterers to split cargoes, pushing up rates for smaller tankers like aframaxes, according to Takeshi Ando at Matsui & Co., a shipbroker.
”The owners are still bullish and the market may still have upward momentum,” Ando said by phone from Tokyo today. The aframax rate on the Middle East-Singapore route may rise to Worldscale 230 as early as next week, he said.
Aframax rates on the Middle East-Singapore route surged 31 percent last week, bringing gains in the past seven weeks to 70 percent, as transport demand rose to meet fuel needs for the Northern Hemisphere winter and shipowners passed on the additional costs from higher bunker prices.
Shipments and enquiries for January bookings have started to emerge, adding to tanker demand. Royal Dutch Shell Plc hired the tanker Four Springs to move 80,000 tons of fuel from Bandar Mahshahr in Iran on Jan. 2 to the Far East at the rate of Worldscale 206, Trade Sea Shipbroking Pte in Singapore said in a Dec. 6 report.
The double-hulled vessel was built in 1992, according to Bloomberg data.
Six aframaxes, capable of moving a total of 641,862 tons of fuel, are scheduled to arrive in Singapore this week while one with a 106,500-ton capacity will arrive next week, according to Bloomberg data. That compares with five last week, with the capacity to haul a total of 512,914 tons of fuel.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

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