Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Utjecaj kretanja svjetskih indeksa i cijene nafte na TK Hrvatska

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Evo da ovjekovječimo i taj trenutak…

Crude Oil Lt Sweet Electronic (Nymex). CL08XE (NYMEX) N/APre-Market After Hours $N/AChange: N/A N/AVolume: N/A
$36.98Change:-3.08 -7.69%

Brzo pada….

N/APre-Market After Hours $N/AChange: N/A N/AVolume: N/A
$36.56Change:-3.50 -8.74%

Zašto se zove slatka….

Crude Oil Lt Sweet Electronic (Nymex). CL08XE (NYMEX) N/APre-Market After Hours $N/AChange: N/A N/AVolume: N/A
$36.14Change:-3.92 -9.79%

Zašto se zove slatka….

Crude Oil Lt Sweet Electronic (Nymex). CL08XE (NYMEX) N/APre-Market After Hours $N/AChange: N/A N/AVolume: N/A
$36.14Change:-3.92 -9.79%

Ako ovako nastavi padati OPEC će morati platiti nekom komunalcu da im odveze naftu na neko odlagalište sekundarnih sirovina [lol]

Dirty Sanchez is a term for a sex act when a man, after the anal sex, takes his penis and rubs it on the girls upper lip leaving a moustache.

Sutra će se europski indexi strmoglaviti.
Za sada je nafta dovoljan razlog.
Možda se i kod nas investitori zapitaju što nam može donijeti blokada pregovora?
Zar najava blokade može donijeti rast indeksa burze?
Dobro je što ima prostora za zaradu sutra.
Rast indeksa nekoliko uzastopnih dana ostavlja dovoljno prostora.
Za pad.

F i g h t T h e P o w e r ! ! !

Chrysler shuts down all production

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — "Chrysler LLC announced late Wednesday that it is stopping all vehicle production in the United States for at least a month.
All 30 of the carmaker’s plants will close after the last shift on Friday, and employees will not be asked to return to work before Jan. 19.
Chrysler blamed the "continued lack of consumer credit for the American car buyer" for the slow-down in sales that forced the move."

E,da,ne zaboravimo i rekordno niski Treasury yield .
Kako bi to moglo utjecati na dolar?


Baš me zanima hoće li ti nick postojati u bull marketu jerbo kad se ide u plus tebe nikada nema, a sad si glavni

Surround all arround when it hits the ground

Nisu uspjeli održati rally do nove godine, hebi ga, počelo je opako trokirati, ….

Nafta [bye]

Samo će se sutra mnogi iznenaditi, imamo jak bull za brodare.


After Hours trading – DOW +170!

Samo će se sutra mnogi iznenaditi, imamo jak bull za brodare.

DRYS Down 1.21%
DSX Down 9.61%
EGLE Up 0.56%
ESEA Down 1.82%
EXM Down 10.98%
GNK Down 14.47%
NM Down 5.88%
TBSI Down 9.51%

Bull nikad jači, ali za BPL-R-A(Bundek Plovidba) [lol]

After Hours trading – DOW +170!

Ovako je općeprihvačenije i jednostavnije:
DJI 8,700.00 Down 37.00 (0.42%)

Dirty Sanchez is a term for a sex act when a man, after the anal sex, takes his penis and rubs it on the girls upper lip leaving a moustache.

Ti prvo ne znaš što znači niti pratiš after. Krenimo ispočetka, nakon porasta DRYS više od 300%, pad od 1,5% i u afteru rast od 1,5% ne ostavlja ljude nimalo ravnodušnim. Biti karakter i ne lagati i ljude u krive stvari uvjeravati je grijeh.


Ima par dobrih vijesti…..

Japan approves $489 billion stimulus plan

By V. Phani Kumar, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:02 a.m. EST Dec. 19, 2008 — The Japanese government approved an emergency stimulus package worth 43 trillion yen ($489 billion) to improve a worsening employment situation and ease financing worries in the corporate sector, according to a published media report Friday.
Nearly half of the package, 20 trillion yen, will be for purchasing commercial banks’ equity holdings as part of efforts to improve the lenders’ liquidity, the Nikkei business daily reported in its evening edition.
An additional 640 billion yen will be used to lower premiums charged under the government’s employment insurance program.

Bank of Japan cuts interest rate to 0.1% from 0.3%

By Chris Oliver, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:34 a.m. EST Dec. 19, 2008 HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — The Bank of Japan cut its key interest rate to 0.1% from 0.3% Friday, marking its second rate reduction this year in the wake of worsening economic indicators and increasing pressure from the government to do more to help the economy

White House Says Help for Auto Makers Is Near


White House officials said they were close to providing federal help for the domestic auto makers, with an announcement possible as early as Friday.

New Report
