IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Porođajne muke. Ali bude.


A new phase of work on the Rijeka Agglomeration project ]
🔵 The project “Improvement in water and utility infrastructure in the territory of the Rijeka Agglomeration” worth 1.7 billion HRK is currently one of the most significant water and utility infrastructure projects in Croatia. It is co-financed with the European Union funds, covering over 70% of project expenses. It includes the construction and reconstruction of about 217 kilometres of sewerage, 125 pumping stations and works on approximately 100 kilometres of public water supply in the Rijeka Agglomeration. Project goals are to reach European standards in municipal wastewater management, increase the degree of protection of drinking water sources and reduce the pollution of the sea.

🔎 Institut IGH d.d. is providing technical supervision services on all 7 parts of the project, two of which have already started : LOT A (Rijeka-west) and LOT E (Viškovo).

🦺 In Viškovo construction works have just started. As part of the group of works “Viškovo Expansion” this will include: the construction of 35.7 km of gravity collectors, 28 sewage pumping stations with 3.2 km of penstock pipelines and the reconstruction of the public water supply system in the length of 18.8 km. The project’s primary goal is to raise the communal and living standards of the inhabitants of Viškovo.  

drukeri na ignore: bisakovi, serislav,, neumoran, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKlf7Llcl5U&list=LLzzxP81UKsk5js-Yy0dtuHw&index=79


drukeri na ignore: bisakovi, serislav,, neumoran, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKlf7Llcl5U&list=LLzzxP81UKsk5js-Yy0dtuHw&index=79

Dobri vjetrovi pušu.


Lani je u Zagrebu građevinarstvo imalo poraste veće od 20 posto

Šta se događa? Porast i promet.

trial, 11.05.2022. u 10:20

Šta se događa? Porast i promet.

Možda je dividenda u pitanju….

Doći će i to vrijeme. Vrlo uskoro.

Ovaj cinizam je valjda rezultat duševnih boli zbog današnjeg događanja sa dionicom? Alo ?!





Žalba na žalbu.





Privredna banka je malo stanjila poziciju, ali ju je Antun Jurčak koji je odnedavno novi u top ten, dodatno podebljao.



… a taj Jurčak je uspješni i nagrađivani građevinski poduzetnik. Dakle, čovjek iz branše je kupio dionice ige.


ZLATNA KUNA ZA 2019. – Priznanja HGK najuspješnijim požeško-slavonskim tvrtkama



Antun Jurčak dokupio još 250 dionica i popeo se sa 7. na 8. mjesto u top ten.



Zapravo se popeo sa 8. na 7. mjesto.

Evo, i Ante Čolina se malo podebljao.





Priča se tek zahuktava.


Zelena obnova velika prilika za građevinare



Pa obrazložili  su zašto.





New Report
