IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska IGH (Institut IGH d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Korona nas stavila na dodatno čekanje. Ali nismo jedini.

Tečajne razlike cine razliku, u odnosu na prošlu godinu skoro 5 milja vise je tu otišlo, i otuda minus. Ostali troškovi su skoro isti, prihodi poslovanja malo manji,  al ukupni visi radi izvanrednih prihoda van grupe , neznam sta je to . Mislim da ce prekretnica ovdje biti ovaj dospjeli senior dug za kojeg tvrde da ce biti rjesen do kraja godine prodajom imovine. To bi onda otvorilo prostor za pravi exploziju cijene,  popraćenu novim poslovima oko obnove zagreba .


Imam ihg i ovaj post naravno nije nagovor ni na što,  jer kad imam neku dionu onda malo i mastam

Možda popunimo I gap na 12x

Barona za moderatora a šefa za direktora ... moji postovi nisu nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju vrijednosnica



Institut IGH supported this project with its partners by donating technical #supervision services in the first phase of the project.

For more info about the opening follow the link in the first comment.

Institut IGH was involved in several projects in Vukovar. You can read about it on the link: https://lnkd.in/dxW6RDi


Još danas i sutra (3.11.2020) imamo otvoren oglas za iskusne Nadzorne inženjere – FIDIC inženjere.

Uvjeti: minimalno 15 godina radnog iskustva, od čega 10 na projektima s FIDIC predznakom.

Detalji i uvjeti se nalaze na linku: http://bit.ly/FidicJob

Napomena: Na oglas se mogu javiti i strani državljani s dobrim poznavanjem hrvatskog jezika u govoru i pismu.

Svoju prijavu s detaljnim CV-om, osim putem LInkedIn-a možete poslati i na e-mail adresu: posao@igh.hr

kolega PILAPILA vi nastavljate i dokup pomalo

Barona za moderatora a šefa za direktora ... moji postovi nisu nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju vrijednosnica

pinball, 03.11.2020. u 15:51

kolega PILAPILA vi nastavljate i dokup pomalo

Povoljno je…

Iga je sada nakon izvješća za Q3 jedna od “zvjezdica” mojem portfelju!
Vidim mnogi su spremni za manje prepustiti dionice, a to je u redu, jer “korona” i loši rezultati za 9 mjeseci upravo to sugeriraju. Bome kad se sve pogleda i ako je za “kruh i mljeko” potrebno onda naravno da se nečega treba i riješiti!

Radi se radi…

Today, when medical staff is in demand more than ever, building a new school which will educate new generations of medical professionals has a totally new meaning.
One such project is construction of the new Medical school in the city of Pula where the works are in full swing. Institut IGH d.d. is providing expert #supervision services for this project financed by the County of Istria.

Due to its location and foundation soil, the school is built on pilots. It will have a basement, ground floor and two upper floors. Capacity of the school is 400 students per shift. Total size of ​​the building will be 2.450 m2.
The basement will consist of utility rooms, two specialized cabinets and a student club.
On the ground floor there will be public, commercial and multipurpose spaces, kitchen and dining room, offices and teachers assembly hall, as well as a library and the reading room.

Specialized classrooms and cabinets will be located on both floors.
The value of the works is a little over 54 million HRK including VAT.

Scheduled completion is in the spring of 2021.



drukeri na ignore: bisakovi, serislav,, neumoran, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKlf7Llcl5U&list=LLzzxP81UKsk5js-Yy0dtuHw&index=79

Nekadašnji nadzorni inženjer u Institutu IGH,  Marko Filipović postat će gradonačelnik Rijeke.


DEČKO KOJI ĆE ZAMIJENITI OBERSNELA: Životopis mu vrvi zanimljivostima





[Vukovar to become a new bypass road]

On the eve of the Remembrance Day for Homeland War Victims celebrated on November 18, we are glad to announce participation in a new project that will help further development of the city of Vukovar.

Institut IGH d.d. as a leading member of consortium, together with IPZ d.d., Rencon d.o.o., and Geoprojekt d.d. signed a contract with Hrvatske ceste d.o.o for the project which will see the realization of the new Vukovar bypass.

The project consists of:
- Amendments and modification of location permit with geodetic and geo-technical research works
- Amendments of main design of the sections of the bypass and obtaining the construction permits

Future Vukovar bypass, over 19km long, will take over good portion of transit and regular traffic away from current state road passing through Vukovar and surrounding towns and villages, thus improving overall security and traffic flow.

Duration of the project is 12 months.

We recently wrote about Vukovar Water tower opening, one of many projects that we were involved in the city itself. In case you missed it, you can read it here: https://lnkd.in/dDGq4yW

#InstitutIGH #IGH #design #civilengineering #roads

[Institut IGH part of the biggest investment in R&D infrastructure development in Croatia]

Institut Ruđer Bošković, Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research, just signed a 72 million EUR investment for reconstruction of scientific infrastructure, supported by EU.
We are proud that Institut IGH d.d. as a leading partner had a big part in the project. It is an example of an interdisciplinary cooperation of more than 30 experts lead by architects.

Project consists of:

- Designing reconstruction and construction of scientific complex originally from 1950’s. (conceptual and main designs and obtaining location and construction permits)

- Scientific complex includes 17 buildings with beautiful landscape. Among them 8 buildings and the Park area are protected cultural heritage

After completion it is expected that this monumental project will improve the scientific research potential of the Ruđer Bošković Institute and Croatia. Such infrastructure improvements are a prerequisite for attracting young researchers all over the world.

Ana Alar, Ena Bićanić Marković, Natalija Mavar, Berislav KrtalićSasa Randic

Visuals in the article – first comment



Sva je sreća da IGH tamo nije učestvovao ni zericu po bilo kojoj osnovi. Da je, vjerojatno sada nebi gledali ovaj i ovakav video.



New Report
